Say hello to a life filled with inspiration and confidence.

Break free from stress, overwhelm, relentless tasks, time constraints, and anxiety through our personalized coaching packages designed just for you.



Take the first step towards a life filled with confidence, clarity, and energy. Choose your package and start your journey today!

Relaxed You Package 

Designed to enhance and deepen your relaxation, ease and inner balance, regardless of what life brings your way

  • Includes 6 sessions (45 mins)

  • Includes The Calming Ground Membership for 3 months

  • Includes guided meditations (3 guided meditations)

 Value: $1,020; price: $800


Self-Awareness & Self-Discovery Package 

Designed to deepen your awareness about who you are so that you can experience greater empowerment and confidence to make the choices you want and live the life you want to live

  • Includes 10 sessions (45 mins)

  • Includes The Calming Ground Membership for 6 months

 Value: $1,470; price: $1,300

Sign Up Now

Nature Connection Package

Designed to nourish and strengthen your connection and experience with the natural world so that you can feel more grounded and aligned

  • Includes 6 sessions (45 mins)

  • Includes The Calming Ground Membership for 3 months

  • Includes 2 Forest Bathing Live Guided experiences (by phone or app) (45 mins)

 Value: $1,100; price: $850

Sign Up Now

First Time Coaching

$150 (60 mins)


Repeat Session

$130 (45 mins)

From Your Life Coach : Elizabeth

To me, your success is personal. You’re not in this alone.


Check out our growing community


I have been given a safe/supportive environment to practice my new skills and see destructive patterns.  Facing my pain and patterns is not easy, but I couldn't have picked a better way to do it.  I am very grateful for the experience and the contentment that comes with it!

-Jenny R


Elizabeth provided a safe and loving space for us to truly explore the areas we wanted to work on, and to do so in a fun but often challenging way.  Seeing the way Elizabeth met each individual from a point of kindness and curiosity provided me with the safe to do the same for myself

-Rachel A.


The Calming Ground membership provides a safe space to explore self care and wellness and provides practical tools and caring support to do that. There is no judgment here. There are no simplistic prescriptions. Instead we are encouraged to meet ourselves where we are and find self care practices that truly resonate for us while listening to and supporting each other.

-Sonya G

Frequently Asked Questions

Don’t wait! Take control of your life today.



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