The Calming Ground Coaching Services

All of my coaching is offered from a space of compassion and mindful curiosity.

It is my belief that you have all you need already within you to experience the life you want;

I see my job as a coach to support you in discovering the potential and capacity that already exists within you and to collaborate with and accompany you on the journey toward that which you are seeking.


Book a Discovery Call with Elizabeth

Take the first step towards a life filled with confidence, clarity, and energy. Choose your coaching session and start your journey today!

Ala Carte Coaching Sessions

Initial Session: $150 (60 mins)

Additional Session: $130 (45 mins)

A la carte coaching sessions are an excellent choice for someone who is not quite sure how many sessions they would like moving forward, and/or for someone who would rather schedule coaching sessions on an as-needed basis.

Book A Free Discovery Call with Elizabeth

Personalized Coaching Packages

This package is an excellent choice for someone who knows they would like several regular sessions to reach a goal or dream. Examples of personalized coaching goals are to enhance someone’s overall sense of well-being and confidence, deepen your trust in yourself and your decisions, find ease and calm your anxiety, improve your relationship with your body, etc.

Coaching packages can also help because they offer frequent enough sessions and support to move fully through a coaching journey, from the beginning (establishing initial goals) to the middle (getting support around following and adjusting the path as needed based on life circumstances), and end (realizing the goal or dream).

Depending on your specific needs, dreams, and goals, together we can determine the number of coaching sessions that would be optimal support for your journey.

Personalized coaching packages start at $1,000 for eight 45-minute sessions.


Book a Discovery Call with Elizabeth

An example of what you could expect for an 8-session package

Initial Call: We talk over the phone or Zoom to explore what your goals are and how we can customize a coaching journey that specifically meets your needs, starting where you are now.

Session One: We have our first official coaching meeting and discuss your primary goal and any barriers you foresee in your path as you move toward your goal. We establish steps along the path to work with and/or around those barriers.

Session Two-Six: We continue noticing how you’re progressing, how you’re navigating any barriers or obstacles, and what needs to happen next in your path to continue experiencing the transformation you’re seeking. We adjust as needed for you to experience the best results. We celebrate each step, including missteps and recalibrations, as an opportunity for learning and strengthening as you grow.

Session Seven: We take stock of where you are now and review the goals, hopes, needs, and dreams you had at the beginning of your journey. We explore how to integrate all of this amazing growth into your life moving forward and how to celebrate your journey in our final session.

Session Eight: A culmination and celebration session! We engage in a reflection and closing that honors your incredible passage and celebrates where, who, and how you are experiencing yourself and your life now.

Coaching packages offer additional bonuses:
  • The Calming Ground Membership for 3 months, which offers weekly “nuggets” that focus on supporting inner balance, increasing vitality, and wellbeing through brief pdf reflections and video activities emailed weekly, as well as a monthly “drop-in window” zoom where you can receive support, ask questions, and receive coaching and guidance live with others within the membership, and access to a private Facebook group that I am present in regularly to offer encouragement, inspiration, and helpful tips.
  • Three guided meditations to enhance relaxation and wellbeing.

To me, your success is personal. You’re not in this alone.


Learn More About the Personalized Coaching Package
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I have been given a safe/supportive environment to practice my new skills and see destructive patterns.  Facing my pain and patterns is not easy, but I couldn't have picked a better way to do it.  I am very grateful for the experience and the contentment that comes with it!

-Jenny R


Elizabeth provided a safe and loving space for us to truly explore the areas we wanted to work on, and to do so in a fun but often challenging way.  Seeing the way Elizabeth met each individual from a point of kindness and curiosity provided me with the safe to do the same for myself

-Rachel A.


The Calming Ground membership provides a safe space to explore self care and wellness and provides practical tools and caring support to do that. There is no judgment here. There are no simplistic prescriptions. Instead we are encouraged to meet ourselves where we are and find self care practices that truly resonate for us while listening to and supporting each other.

-Sonya G

Frequently Asked Questions

Don’t wait! Take control of your life today.



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